Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hope For Wolves But Not For Bison

First, I will say that I am traveling this weekend to my beloved Yellowstone. Just a day trip to see what is going on with the animals.

Photo: Mammoth Terraces-way off date stamp.

Now, a quick update on the buffalo and the wolves. They were supposed to stop killing bison a few weeks ago but they have braisenly went against their own word. Bison have been slaughtered. And worse yet, 400+ bison, including many, many newborn calves are being held captive now. They claim they are holding all these bison until Yellowstone greens up and the bison will then not leave the park in search of food. Seems quite assinine to me. What's the great difference in vegetation between the corrals and the surrounding land-nothing. Maybe they are feeding the corralled bison. Obviously, they took the time to herd up the bison and push them into the corrals so why not herd them up and push them into the valleys farther into the middle of the park? I believe it's just another excuse to trap and kill these bison. The herd is already half of what it was last season.

As for the wolves, there is some good news. Environmentalist groups have a lawsuit pending over the recent delisting. The government asked for an extension on the case but a judge in Billings, MT told them no, there will be no delay in hearing this case. He will not chance more wolves being lost. I was taken back when I heard the story. I could not believe a judge around here would be sympathetic to wolves. This sounds promising.

1 comment:

Astro Galaxy said...

Hi Heavenabove,
Thanks for your concern.
The earthquake does not affect Singapore.
It is in China.
Seems that the death toll over there increased a lot today too.
So sad!!!