Sunday, March 4, 2007

Wolf Meeting Thoughts

I decided that people like us will never win no matter how strong the arguement is. At this point, I can't say I know with certainty that wolves will be de-listed now. However, since we live in America, the odds greatly favor those with the most money and that is not us. I am saddened and angered about the whole situation but I am glad I spoke up in front of a lot of people that would prefer to shoot me like a wolf for saying what I did.

Of course, I just had to go to Yellowstone after the meeting. I saw a lot of LIVE animals: 1 fox (my picture is above), 1 far away wolf that you could barely see in a scope, 1 wolf-killed elk with a coyote and ravens around it, lots of elk and buffalo, a herd of antelope, a herd of deer, and 1 lone bighorn sheep. It's fun to see all the tracks in the snow; it makes you think about what these animals are doing in winter.

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