Thursday, April 19, 2007

Death Sports

I wonder why people think hunting is a fun, reasonable sport and past-time. I have heard many answers on this subject from hunters but they all seem like excuse to me. It is nothing more than a death sport. Animals feel pain, they feel scared, they have all kinds of feeling. They just cannot express them like us because God made them different. There are many, many, many examples of animals having feelings and thinking (The Farley Mowat book is a great story for this, Jane Goodall and the gorillas, too). They have families and " go to work" and school, too. They talk to each other just fine. People are afraid of animals they do not understand and animals they cannot completely control. It is sad. This killing for fun business has got to stop! Do something useful with your time-help out at an old folks home, help needy children, send letters to our troops, pick up some trash along the creek or something, anything but killing animals for "fun".


Livingsword said...

I think there are some very good thoughts you have expressed here. Farley Mowat is a Canadian and I do not know if oyu are aware that it came to light several years ago that he made up much of what he wrote in his books as being facts. He admitted this himself. this being suid I agree with your comments about animal communication etc.

Amongst other things my wife and I are official volunteer park cleaners for our community, we have well over 1000 such volunteers in our city.

With so many worthy and needy things for people to do I see no reason to assert agressive behavior against animals.

Livingsword said...

When you mention animals speaking to one another it makes me think of the lyrebird video on my blog Creation on the Blade. An excellent example of animal communication!

heavenabove said...

I did not know about Mowat or I would not have mentioned his book. There are several otherbooks I have read on the subject of animal emotions that I have read but his was the first one that came to mind. Too bad about him-he should not have lied.

Livingsword said...

Yes it is too bad about Mowat my wife was very upset, she has read all of his books, sort of essentials here in Canada. But it does not change the poin tyou were making about animal communcation.