Thursday, May 10, 2007

Spring In Yellowstone

I went to Yellowstone. Not nearly as many buffalo calves as I figured I'd see. Most of them were probably back farther where you would need to hike in to see them which I did not have time to do. The groundcover is already extremely dry. Even along the streambanks it is barely green. Wildflowers are rare to non-existent. It looks almost like it does near the end of the summer, not spring. I predict some bad wildfires there this season, hopefully not as bad as the fires of 1988. Trumpeter swans were out, elk were wading, and buffalo grazing and their orange calves laying down. A coyote was near the road waitng to cross. The elk carcass that was taken by wolves and half-eaten in March is now completely devoured.

1 comment:

Livingsword said...

Sounds pretty dry, to bad that area didn't get any of our normal 7 monjths of soaking rain.

You have to keep an I out for those coyotes, oyu jus tnever know where they are going to pop up.

I like the photos, thanks.