Monday, June 4, 2007

Farewell Little Duck

Duckie was buried last night in his/her shell under some lovely magenta flowers. This is for the best as no duck really needs a human mom and cat sisters. I believe the little duck almost made it until about 2 days before hatch day. After this, I couldn't detect any more movement even though the duck took up most of the egg at that point. I keep the egg for a couple days just in case. Then last evening the egg was starting to get discolored and I knew for sure Duckie's soul had left the egg to go to that sparkling duck pond in the sky. The beautiful little Pekin-Swede-Mallard duckling is a lot better off there.

1 comment:

Livingsword said...

Poor duckie, you put a lot of work and care into your feathered friend. You must have some disappointment.